Like being a human, Write fully SEO website article, 100% unique, write as detailed, insightful and informative as possible. Please just give me the Content of the article the article should be given in MARKDOWN format ( NO CODE), with internal links, external links, should be included in the article one by one. natural, UL/OL, block quotes, FAQs and Markdown/HTML anything else you can think of to include, bold the important keywords (Output only content). | Output in Vietnamese | 1500 words long |Tone Expert | Writing Style Persuasive | Insert images into articles naturally:×533/1200×800/data/photo/2018/11/28/542509082.jpg ,×533/1200×800/data/photo/2018/11/28/542509082.jpg,,fl_lossy,c_fill,q_auto:best,w_640/v1630557905/zljcomv6i67zy1dy9pcv.jpg,,|

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